High School College Credit

High School Connections: Earning College Credit in High School

罗切斯特社区和技术学院(全球赌博十大网站)为高中生提供各种大学学分选择. In partnership with high schools and community partners, 创新的策略已经实施,并不断涌现,让高中生在高中开始上大学,为职业生涯做准备. 课程对学生免费,每年为学生节省数千美元的学费.

Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)

Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) is a program that allows 10th, 11th, 而12年级的学生则在高中期间获得高中和大学学分, through enrollment in and successful completion of college-level courses. PSEO courses are offered primarily on the 全球赌博十大网站 campus and online. PSEO courses are taught exclusively by 全球赌博十大网站 college faculty.

Concurrent Enrollment (CE)

Concurrent Enrollment is a program that provides 9th, 10th, 11th, 12年级的学生有机会参加由大学认可的高中教师在高中校园教授的大学学分课程. CE courses are offered primarily on the high school’s campus. CE课程由适当的认证和认可的高中教师授课.

Articulated Credit


Sophomore Honors

高二荣誉课程允许高中二年级学生在已经用尽高中所有课程的特定学科领域学习高级课程. For example, an advanced math course, an advanced computer science course, an advanced technical course, 或者其他一些高中没有的高级课程,大二的pso也没有.

Early/Middle College



 College Transition Advisors

大学过渡顾问(CTA)的角色是在高中现场工作,帮助未来的学生在高中毕业后从高中过渡到高等教育和职业生涯. CTA帮助促进和促进高中学生和选定的当地高中与全球赌博十大网站之间的关系.

Jamie Johnson is currently serving Century, John Marshall, and Mayo. You can email Jamie at Jamie.johnson@craftsplusart.com.

Tiffany Betcher is currently serving Plainview-Elgin-Millville, Goodhue, and St. Charles high schools. Please ask at your high school counseling office for her days, times, and location or email Tiffany at Tiffany.Betcher@craftsplusart.com.

Summer Bridge

The Summer Bridge Program seeks to attract, support, and retain graduates from Century High School, John Marshall High School, Mayo High School, 和罗切斯特ALC,他们渴望参加全球赌博十大网站,但还没有达到必要的大学水平的阅读技能, writing, and/or math. 全球赌博十大网站坚信这些学生的能力,并为选择参加全球赌博十大网站的学生提供暑期桥梁项目作为一个支持性的入门环境. 该项目旨在帮助学生适应大学生活,为学业成功奠定基础.


这是罗切斯特公立学校或其他高中学生在高中毕业后立即参加全球赌博十大网站护理项目的机会! Typically, admission for all, including this year’s high school seniors, 是基于一个“积分系统”,排除了任何目前的高中毕业生入学. The STAT Program admission criteria does not use this point system. 符合条件的2020年地区高中学生在秋季学期和春季学期各可获得5个名额. These seats will be competitive to attain, 但你不会和“计分制”的学生竞争——只有2020届的其他本地高中毕业生. 欲了解更多信息,请联系全球赌博十大网站护理项目顾问,Jennifer Dahle.Dahle@craftsplusart.com.

PSEO Contracting

 自2002年以来,全球赌博十大网站一直与几个学区签订PSEO合同. We are currently serving 18 area school districts. PSEO Contracting saved over $100,000 a year for one district. As little as $300 for another. 我们目前的18份合同平均每个地区每年节省的费用略低于19,000美元. 我们遵循所有现有的法律、拨款、支付公式和意图. Contracting for PSEO will likely save most high schools some money.

我们可以根据您所在高中目前从明尼苏达州教育部获得的每个学生的财政分配情况进行评估,以确定与全球赌博十大网站签订PSEO服务合同是否对您所在高中有经济效益. In these tough economic times, 我们必须为学生的教育争取所有的资金. Every dollar helps!

 有兴趣的督学可以联系Dale Amy,高中合作主任 Dale.Amy@craftsplusart.com for more information.


Collaboration Among Rochester Educators


The CARE vision is to…



我们共同追求学生的成功,并认识到学生的教育培养与社区福祉之间的直接积极关系, regions and the state as a whole. CARE项目的资金来自于与PSEO服务签订合同的直接结果,但我们正在探索为额外资金撰写拨款的可能性. We’re adamant about a continuing commitment to this effort. Together, we are helping students grow and succeed – Because we CARE.


  • Summer Bridge Program
  • Medical Careers Program
  • College Transition Advisor
  • Career Course Resource Guide
  • PSEO Course Guide
  • Course Articulation Agreements
  • Course Integration Agreements
  • Concurrent Enrollment
  • STAT Nursing Program
  • Sophomore Honors Program
  • Early/Middle College Program
  • FYEX Project
  • Math for College Program
  • Math Matters Grant
  • Shared Facilities Agreement
  • Shared Staff Development Opportunities